Friday, September 9, 2016

Lessons in Love

Love. It's an overused term in our society. I wonder if people even understand its definition and application the way we throw that word around. I've been very guarded with the use and expression of this word when it comes to friends, romantic interest and even my family members. I don't use this word lightly to describe my heart towards those relationships! I feel this week has been a great time of deep processing of one particular life lesson I learned three years ago. It stems from this amazing four little word: love.
Have you ever met someone who rocks your world? I don't mean that in an upsetting or negative way. But when you meet them, their presence impacts you so much that you lose the art of a routine day? You find yourself randomly thinking about them as days go by? Praying for them at random times throughout the day? Wanting to give them another hug? To make the world better for them? To be a light in their darkness? 

That is how my week has been. I see those eyes and smile and they flash through my mind like it is a dream. I hear that laugh in the background and see that ear to ear grin just as if I was standing in their presence again. I see all of this go through my heart – my mind – and all I can do is simply pray! If anyone knows me, they know I'm not the crying type. I was taught at a young age to hold in my emotions and it's been a long process to undo this dangerous learned art. To have someone rock my heart in such a way that thoughts like these cause me to cry – to weep – I know God has a purpose, I just honestly don't know what that is right now. They say people come into your lives for a reason, a season or a lifetime. I don't know which this encounter was for, but I wait - and I pray! This is love. 

You can't cling tightly to them, for I have learned this pushes people away. Rather, I must hold them loosely, with my palms open and say "God, they're yours. Protect them. Love them. Show them Yourself." This is where genuine trust in the Lord is demonstrated. This is true love. How is it that one moment, one encounter, can change your life? Change how you see people? This was actually a life lesson learned in Bangkok Thailand that God has been perfecting in me for three years. It is His grace poured out on my life to learn this lesson and put it into action in my life. To love people the way He has called me to. I'm forever grateful and ever praying for that one soul who rocked my world Monday night. To you my dear, you are truly, deeply and genuinely loved!